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          On Book of Days the continuing story of Mr LoCascio’s musical life picks up, eight whole years after he left things off, this time with

the saxophonist Woody Witt. And he wastes no time in assuring listeners that it was more than worth the wait.

          Mr LoCascio and Mr Witt cover this fertile musical ground like thoroughbreds, with exemplary virtuosity. And the two musicians are wonderfully served by bassist Richard Mikel and drummer Daniel Dufour. The music is elegantly fashioned from notes that fly off the page, accompanied every now and then with breathtaking harmonic and rhythmic flights that make for timely and breathtaking surprises that enhance the worthy melodies that the pianist has penned. There are no big slow movements and astonishingly quick ones where lightness predominates. But everything is in balance; perfectly timed and intelligently placed so as to seem a natural organic fit for the music into which stylish evocations have been written played with sublime gestures. “Nomads”, “Brother” and [probably the pinnacle of this album] “Point taken” are superb examples.


- Raul DaGama

from "November" The music of Phil Gurlik
Joe LoCascio: Piano; David Craig: Bass; Tim Solook: Drums

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